Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why I Hate Computers...

I would definitely describe myself as being bookmark-dependent when it comes to the web. Just like we don't memorize phone numbers anymore because our phones hold them, I don't bother to know web addresses anymore. Like most of you out there, I've spent hours upon hours browsing the web. Sometimes mindlessly, sometimes with a purpose, sometimes via links or recommendations from friends. Whenever I stumble upon something worthwhile, I bookmark it. I took bookmarking on with greater fervor in the past year, since switching over to Firefox - even spent some time organizing the bookmarks. Friends' blogs, shopping sites, great news/historical sites, local neighborhood info, places to visit on my next vacation, links to my hotel reservations, important documents, sites with materials for work - the list is endless.

So anyways, imagine my frustration and anger when I agreed to a routine firefox update, then went to my bookmarks only to discover that about 75% of them are missing. Yep. Just gone. I'm MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD. Ugh. So MAD. Did I mention how MAD I am?!?!?! I don't know whether to scream or to curl up in a ball and cry!!!!! HOURS of research gone OUT THE TUBES!!! So frustrated. Want to throw a tantrum. Someone should reimburse me for those hours of my time just totally wasted. Do I dare consider turning back to internet explorer?...

PS My tabs are also missing...... grrrrrr.....

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