Okay, I FINALLY did it; I finally gave in to all of the pressures of society - I went out and got myself hooked on American Idol. Quite frankly, I surprised I made it through five whole seasons without as much as an interest in the whole sensation. In my defense, the decision to 'go over to the other side' was a sacrafice on the part of my profession. You see, there's not a single upper-middle-class middle school girl (and few boys) who are not obsessed with the show. And being able to relate to my kids is of course paramount.....
now here I am, not only addicted, but with the hugest crush I've had on anyone since a certain blond cutie in sixth grade.... My Idol's name is Brandon Rogers and he's from California. Oh, and conveniently (or maybe coincidentally), he's my age! He's got the best eyes I've ever seen - trust me, the photo does not do him justice! If he lived on my coast, I'd write him a note in pink ink with boxes to check off whether or not he likes me, and then I'd have one of my best friends deliver it to his best friend. Sigh.

Ha ha, you're co cute!!!
I'm embarrassed to admit that the Hub and I have also turned to the dark side. I probably would have watched it earlier but he always made fun of it. Somehow I guess we're kinda hooked this year.
Melinda Doolittle is my favorite, I'm rooting for her all the way!
I am a Blake Fan! I love how different he is. Welcome to my world!
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