The celebration continued with a breakfast. Parents and graduates were invited to a continental breakfast under tents in the quad. Because of my brother's achievements at the college (see previous post), my family was invited to the 'VIP' breakfast buffet where we had the opportunity to meet with the school's president and the honorary degree recipient. Oh, and we also got to sip on mimosas.... At the breakfast, it really sunk in what my brother had accomplished in his four years at Manhattan. Only 10 students were invited to this special breakfast; my brother earned this recognition not for pulling impressive grades or having an influential family, but rather for truly making a difference at the college. He harbored his talents of his outgoing personality and drive towards service to create change. It amazed me that e
veryone knew him and respected him.

After the delicious breakfast (where I got some ketchup on my new white dress), we went back into the gymnasium for the Commencement exercises. The ceremony was beautiful and the keynote speaker was terrific. After we double-checked to make sure Paul did indeed receive his diploma (there was some concern due to an unreturned library book and an economics grade requirement....), we headed over to a local Italian restaurant where we joined the families of Paul's friends for some good Italian food and celebration.
Paul will be in a volunteer teaching position for two years somewhere in the country. He's not sure yet where he will be placed, but he's requested either California or Chicago. Both will make excellent vacation spots, so I don't care which he gets (though I am personally leaning towards California...).

Congratulations Paul, I am so proud of you!