Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Breaking News?

So, I'm home sick today with a sinus infection and I finally settle on watching Rachael Ray (the pickings are really slim in the 10am-11am slot....). Her guest, Michael Buble, is about to perform, when Eyewitness News cuts to its Breaking News. Like any New Yorker, since 9/11, my heart actually stops when there's Breaking News, just fearing the worst, having flashbacks to the nausea and horror of that day. The dreaded Breaking News music plays, the anchorwoman comes on, and the title of the story appears on the bottom of the screen: "Joe Girardi Accepts Offer to be Manager of Yankees." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I am sorry, I don't care what fan of what team you are, under NO circumstance should sports warrant Breaking News. Especially in this day and age. I'm not just saying that because I am a Mets fan. As a matter of fact, I have no problem with the Yankees, will even root for them in the off-season, but I find myself more and more being absolutely disgusted by the media attention that this team gets. People wonder what happened to the bygone days of baseball, and your answer is right here. It's not about the game, the fun, the athleticism anymore. It's day after day after day of drama. Really now, maybe the team should consider moving to Hollywood. And don't even get me started on the media, who has perpetually ruined the sport as far as I am concerned....

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